
Alexandra Shall

Bio: I am no stranger to the world of mental illness. I dance daily with a diagnosis of Bipolar 1 Mixed, and it is my desire and personal mission to attempt to make sense of the twisted, tangled web that is madness and mental illness, both in society and in my own life. I have coursed through ups and downs and traversed many roads, and I hope to draw on these experiences in this blog. In all of the pain I have managed to find laughter and strive daily to find peace in the brokenness of my life. Such are my saviors in the seemingly terminal struggle that Bipolar Disorder has wrought upon me. I can choose to slowly perish, or I can fight and dance in this life I am privileged to live. Music, cello, piano, and writing provide the sustenance necessary to keep me going. This blog is my sword in the battle against my illness. Bring it on, Bipolar!

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  1. Hi Alex,

    I’m a friend of your dad’s and he thought I’d enjoy your blog so he forwarded it to me and I REALLY enjoyed reading it. Had to reach out to tell you how moved I was by your insight and honesty with this very complicated disorder. Your talent as a writer is so obvious and your blog should touch and help comfort the hearts of many — both with people that share in the bi-polar journey, as well as those that don’t. My mother has what her kids all suspect is some kind of bi-polar disorder and your blog makes me want to be far more understanding of her than I have been. So, thanks for sharing Alex and congratulations on your blog–it’s fantastic!!


    Kim Sterton

  2. Dear Sweet Alexandra,
    My sister Laffy, also was such a bright light in my life that also had to struggle with mental illness. I am a recovering alcoholic and deal with it one day at a time but my heart really goes out to you, my sister and all that have a tougher struggle. Hopefully, some day soon there will be a cure to all of the devastating illnesses we deal with in the body and the mind. I wish you my hand as a friend to hold if you ever need one. You are strong and brave and i have not had to meet you to say that. All my best to you and your family.
    Colleen Evans

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